469LES of Complex Flows


6 October 2005 – 8 October 2005


Dresden, Germany


Prof. Dr. N. Adams
Technische Universität Dresden
Institut für Strömungsmechanik
George-Bähr-Str. 3c
D-01062, Dresden, Germany
Phone: +49-(0)351 463 37607, Fax: +49-(0)351 463 35246
E-mail: nikolaus.adams@ism.mw.tu-dresden.de

Dr. habil. M. Manhart
Lehrstuhl für Fluidmechanik
Technische Universität München,
Boltzmannstrasse 15
D-85748, Garching, Germany

EUROMECH contact person: Prof. Hans Fernholz


The intended scope is a review of the state-of-the-art of Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) of physically complex turbulent flows for which only LES can provide a sufficiently accurate prediction.

The colloquium will address advances and current developments in improving existing and developing novel approaches to LES in particular with respect to wall treatment in large-Reynolds-number flows, coupling of RANS with LES, improvement of subgrid-scale modeling for geometrically and physically complex flow configurations, and the improvement of discretization schemes suitable for LES of complex flow configurations.