498Nonlinear Dynamics of Composites and Smart Structures


21 May 2008 – 24 May 2008


Kazimierz Dolny, Poland




Prof. Jerzy Warminski 
Lublin University of Technology
Department of Applied Mechanics
Nadbystrzycka 36
20-618 Lublin

phone: +48 81 538 4197;
fax: +48 81 538 4205
email: j.warminski@pollub.pl


 Prof. Matthew P.Cartmell
University of Glasgow
Department of Mechanical Engineering
James Watt Building
G12 8QQ, Scotland

email: m.cartmell@mech.gla.ac.uk 

The aim of the 498th EUROMECH Colloquium is to provide a forum for scientists working on the nonlinear dynamics of composite structures with controllable and adaptive properties. A wide range of theoretical and applications-based problems in nonlinear dynamics, exhibiting both regular and chaotic motions, is accommodated within the scope of the colloquium. The conference focuses on the dynamics of systems with lumped and distributed mass, modelling and control of the dynamics of composite and smart structures, nonlinear normal modes, bifurcations, stability and chaos of nonlinear systems. Applications in these areas will be welcome, as will cutting-edge research in interdisciplinary problems involving engineering science, biomechanics, and medicine.